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The shift begins with you


In Quebec, very few female students will choose a university program in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM). Secondary and college teachers are key in affecting these numbers. Located across Quebec, our team creates and offers solutions, tools, and strategies to help the teaching community support female students who show an interest in the sciences. By taking advantage of our free 60-minute in person training, our 3-hour self-training, and our thorough and practical teaching tools, you can help shift the future of STEM in Canada.

L'équipe de Parité Sciences

Team up with 
Parité sciences

Parité sciences collaborates with secondary schools and colleges across Quebec, training educators to encourage the interest of future students in science. Our mission is to increase the enrollment rate of women in post-secondary programs in STEM. Our team aims to raise awareness among the teaching community of certain biases and stereotypes that are often involuntarily conveyed in the classroom.

In the modern world—where technologies, the knowledge economy, and global competition shape our daily lives—your involvement is crucial.


Let's work together to usher in a new generation of talent to create a just future and a more prosperous society.


« À la fin du cégep, j'ai décidé de poursuivre mes études en faisant mon baccalauréat en physique et mathématiques à l'Université de Montréal. Je me suis lancée dans ce domaine-là un peu grâce à ma professeure de cégep. Sa manière d'enseigner m'a fait aimer la physique encore plus qu'au secondaire. L'entendre parler de son parcours m'a fait réaliser que on seulement un baccalauréat en physique, ça existe, mais aussi, qu'il y a des femmes qui réussissent extrêmement bien dans ce domaine. Depuis le cégep, j'ai espoir qu'un jour moi aussi je vais être LA professeure qui va donner le goût à une élève de se lancer, comme elle a réussi à le faire pour moi! »
julie payette

Julie Payette

Étudiante au baccalauréat en physique et mathématimatique à l'Université de Montréal et Ancienne étudiante de sciences de la nature au Cégep Édouard-Montpetit

Contribute to increasing the number of female STEM students.

In general, young people will see themselves in a career that is consistent with one most represented by their own gender. However, research shows that it’s possible to become aware of the unconscious biases that arise during decision making of  career trajectories. In collaboration with colleges and secondary schools in Quebec, our team helps educators to encourage and sustain interest of female students in sciences, effectively guiding them into meaningful careers. By taking advantage of our practical and easy-to-use tools, you will have concrete ways to present the benefits of a career in STEM.

Hear Marylou's testimonial. (French)

* The Parité sciences team understands that the terms female includes anyone who identifies as a woman. We are also sensitive to the issues faced by those who have been discriminated against based on their gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, and expression.

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